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Track the money for Prop 33: Contributions for and against California’s ballot measure on rent control

Propositon 33 would let cities and counties enact rent control by repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Similar statewide rent control initiatives failed in 2020 and 2018.
Supporters say repealing the ban on localities capping rent on vacant units, single-family homes and apartments built more recently will give local governments tools to ease the affordability crisis for their residents.
Opponents counter it will cause developers to build less, thus worsening California’s housing affordability. Real estate interests are opposing the measure along with an affordable housing bond measure, Proposition 5.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation, a Los Angeles nonprofit that was behind the previous rent-control attempts has contributed more than $36 million in support. Los Angeles City Councilmember Kevin de León has formed a committee in support of this measure as well as Propositions 3 and 32. His $600,000 contribution is included in all three. Other supporters include labor and tenant organizations.
The opposition is backed by real estate investors, realtors and property managers including investor Michael K. Hayde with $1.9 million. The California Apartment Assn. has contributed $43.4 million in opposition, and the California Assn. of Realtors has contributed $22 million.
Times housing reporter Andrew Khouri contributed to this report.
